As User Experience Architect for Autodesk’s flagship design collaboration platform, I drove product from nascent concept to specific execution of patent pending innovations for interacting with 3D via the web.

Problems to Solve
Overcome the following assumptions
1 - 3D Interactions are so complex that they require years of training to use
2 - 3D Data sets are too large to be performant over the web

A360 enables Architects, Product Designers and Fabricators to use sophisticated 3D visualization on physical product concepts, without installing any software. This is revolutionary for an industry that forever relied on installation of heavy, hard to use 3D software.

To make this a reality, we invented a new class of 3D web-based interactions that make navigating, measuring, commenting and presenting 3D data lightweight and intuitive. In our first quarter in the market we achieved 250k user sessions per month. In R2 of the product, we were able to identify and implement improvements to the product that increased user retention by 35%.
Measure complex 3D relationships. Confident depends on clearly understanding what’s being measured and the related cardinal dimensions. More on the Measure interaction.
Cross-Sectioning Tool - simple interaction for cutting cross sections through 3D shape lets users understand physical shapes more clearly.
Comments and issue tracking can be attached to any level of the building or assembly. Below sectioning functionality enables a better understanding of the assembly. And highly specific information is applied to the exact part that's relevant.
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